Training to Become an Atomic Bombing Storyteller
More than seventy years have passed since the dropping of the atomic bomb and the end of the war, and the atomic bombing survivors continue to advance in age. At this time, when it is becoming more and more difficult to hear directly from survivors of the bombing, how would you like to have more contact with a bombing survivor and hear about his or her experiences and feelings in order to engage in storyteller activities? We offer various kinds of support to those looking to begin storyteller activities, such as assistance with script preparation and a variety of training sessions.
Meetings with atomic bombing survivors are held every autumn. Please feel free to contact our office with any enquiries you might have.

対象者 | ・被爆者の子、孫などの家族 ・同居や団体活動などにより被爆者との密接な交流経験を有するかた ・その他、被爆体験を継承する意志の強いかた |
申込方法 | 支援申込書へ必要事項をご記入の上、原本をお送りください。 ※18歳未満の方は、保護者の署名捺印が必要です。 (支援申込書はこちらからダウンロードできます) ●送付先:(公財)長崎平和推進協会 継承課 〒852-8117 長崎県長崎市平野町7-8 FAX 095-844-9961 Eメール keishou@peace-wing-n.or.jp |